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Breaking TVs in anger is way common, says Sports Brief -- here’s a video of a Team Mexico fan who punched and knifed his TV
Angrily breaking TVs
Breaking TVs in anger is way common, says Sports Brief -- here’s a video of a Team Mexico fan who punched and knifed his TV
Sport Bible
Some people take it really serious, like this Marseille fan who breaks his TV after every... single... loss... Why?
And hey, it’s not just sports fans! Gamers do it too -- this Redditor broke his TV after playing Xbox, and instantly regretted it
Evolve Treatment
Evolve Treatment is concerned though, punching stuff is a sign of serious anger. Go to therapy, please!
The Atlantic
The Atlantic thinks it’s the golden era for TV smashers -- flatscreens are way cheaper than they used to be, and they smash pretty easily. We’re in this for the long haul, people
up next...
Women are better at...
Women are better at...
Marathon kids
Marathon kids
The Last of Us
The Last of Us
Djokovic on 60 Minutes
Djokovic on 60 Minutes
Sports movies(!)
Sports movies(!)
Ballsack Sports old
Ballsack Sports old
Sleeping with the TV on
Sleeping with the TV on
The Caitlin Clark effect
The Caitlin Clark effect
Soft jocks
Soft jocks
Trauma bangs
Trauma bangs
Mobile gaming domination
Mobile gaming domination
Friend breakups
Friend breakups
WB & Paramount?
WB & Paramount?
Thompson’s "reports’
Thompson’s "reports’
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