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It’s tempting to ditch your DVDs -- But Slate says there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to find your favorites again, and nothing beats Blu-ray
Ditch your DVDs?
It’s tempting to ditch your DVDs -- But Slate says there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to find your favorites again, and nothing beats Blu-ray
Yep, cautions a WaPo Op: Don’t do it! Censorship is real. Unless you physically own your DVDs, you can only watch what “corporate overlords” let you watch 😨
Even when you “buy” a movie on streaming sites you don’t really own it, explains Review Geek. You’ve only purchased the right to view it through a certain platform
And Wired says that for some, holding onto DVDs is a sentimental act. One man in his forties says of his collection: “Every one was a choice I made”
The Minimalists
But is having none of it. Why spend money on a movie you’ve already seen? Stop watching reruns and live your life!
Disc Hounds
Plus, holding onto all those DVDs can take up a ton of space, writes And the equipment you need to play them is getting harder to come by
And Treehugger notes that while streaming might seem like the more eco-friendly option, it actually uses about the same amount of energy as getting a DVD through the mail
These Redditors think throwing out the cases and keeping the discs might be the best strategy. It saves space but you get to keep your flicks!
Android Police
You can also digitize them and get the best of all worlds. breaks down how to do it, including how to bypass the digital rights management restrictions
But if you do decide to move on, don’t chuck your DVDs in the trash -- it’ll take ages for them to biodegrade. Sell or donate them, or repurpose them and make art!
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