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Breaking up with a friend is insanely painful, says WHYY. We rely on our friends for so much, and when our relationships are strained, we feel extra awful
Friend breakups
Breaking up with a friend is insanely painful, says WHYY. We rely on our friends for so much, and when our relationships are strained, we feel extra awful
Friend breakups might be worse than romantic ones, says Time Magazine. Romantic breakups usually warrant a convo. In friend breakups, we almost never get one
Elle agrees. Unlike romantic breakups, we don’t have an emotional roadmap. So the loss of a friend can feel like a death
But says it’s high time we normalize ending toxic friendships -- it’s natural, and really healthy!
Utrecht University
Sociologists agree, it’s pretty normal to drop friends -- a 2008 Utrecht University study found that people lose and replace half their friends every 7 years
And many are good with the breakup. Just ask these 11 people who broke up with flaking, neglecting, hateful friends
Psychology Today
Psychology Today has advice about the friendship that needs to end: Be sure your mind is made up, then communicate with your friend clearly
Vox is same: please don’t ghost
The Atlantic
The Atlantic does a deep dive into broken friendships. Many fade for good reason. Maybe we should use the grief to enjoy the ones we have
NY Times
If you’re not ready to break up, an NYT Op has a suggestion -- try “aggressive friendship”, also known as constantly reaching out
up next...
Friends with benefits
Friends with benefits
Friendless men
Friendless men
Work spouses
Work spouses
Girl friends
Girl friends
The kids aren’t alright
The kids aren’t alright
The friendship wage gap
The friendship wage gap
Is social media evil?
Is social media evil?
Friend envy
Friend envy
Talking $ with friends
Talking $ with friends
How long?
How long?
Making friends when old(er)
Making friends when old(er)
The apology
The apology
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