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Gender neutral pronouns (GNP) date back to the 1300s. In the 1700s, writers began using he/him pronouns for anyone unknown. Very recently, they/them pronouns made their comeback
Gender neutral pronouns
Gender neutral pronouns (GNP) date back to the 1300s. In the 1700s, writers began using he/him pronouns for anyone unknown. Very recently, they/them pronouns made their comeback
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
And University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee says there are now many entirely new pronouns out there -- including ze, zim, ae, and aer
Scientific American
An Op from Scientific American says we should all use GNP -- that way, trans and non-binary people won’t be singled out on job applications, etc.
Scientific American
But another Op from Scientific American disagrees -- gendered pronouns are incredibly affirming for trans people
With another take, The Heritage Foundation says gender neutral pronouns are absurd -- it just doesn’t follow the science. It’s a nonsense social movement
An Op from The WSJ: Don’t answer when asked your pronouns. The ritual promotes gender stereotypes. You can be a non-feminine woman, or a non-masculine man
And an Op from Unherd agrees: The ritual of identifying your pronouns forces everyone to submit to gender identity ideology, which many think is fabricated
Inside Higher Ed
Inside Higher Ed dislikes the ritual for a different reason -- if you’re a trans or non-binary person in a pronoun circle, you have two options: Out yourself or misgender yourself
In any case, gender neutrality gets really complicated in different languages. What do we do when many languages have gendered language much more often? -- Reuters
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