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The WSJ Reported That TikTok Can Leave Kids Feeling Used -- and Hurt Their Self-Esteem. Teens Have Learned the More Sexual the Content, the More Likes They Get
Is social media evil?
The WSJ Reported That TikTok Can Leave Kids Feeling Used -- and Hurt Their Self-Esteem. Teens Have Learned the More Sexual the Content, the More Likes They Get
NY Times
And The NYT reported that TikTok’s focus on retention and watch time could lead to the app pushing dangerous content. Unhealthy content is often addictive content, and vice versa
NY Times
The NYT also writes that gym content on TikTok can lead young men to develop “bigorexia”
We Also Have “TikTok Brain” to Worry About! The WSJ Says the App’s Fast-Paced Content Is Addicting, and It Could Be Shortening Kids’ Attention Spans
The Atlantic
The Atlantic Has a Separate Concern: Social Media Is Splitting the U.S. into Angry Mobs -- And That’s Bad for Democracy
The Atlantic
The Atlantic also thinks TikTok’s evolved from a dancing app to a “witch hunt machine” -- using the viral phenomenon of West Elm Caleb as an example
Vanity Fair
And Vanity Fair is concerned about misinformation: Because of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, Twitter became even more of a source for information. But the discourse can be toxic, misinformed, and leave readers feeling helpless is unequivocal: The science is clear -- social media is evil!! When people quit it, they’re just plain happier
NY Times
An NYT Op Also Blamed Social Media for the Decline of Teens’ Mental Health: The CDC’s Data Shows an Obvious Link Between the Teens’ Well-being and the Rise of Social Media
The WSJ Thinks Social Media Is Salvageable. But Correcting the Evils of Social Media Will Take Lots of Trial and Error From Companies and Regulators -- There’s No One-Size-Fits-All Solution
The Atlantic
But Maybe It’s Up to Us? The Atlantic Thinks the Responsibility -- At Least Partially -- Falls on Ourselves. We’re the Reason Social Media Is Toxic. We’re Miserable and Misery Loves Company
Or Maybe We Should Blame Our Childhoods? The WSJ Reports That the Relationships We Develop as Kids Shape Our Social Media Habits
Wired has an interesting thought: Social media is evil because of the theodicy problem -- Even someone with pure intentions can create something evil
The New Yorker
Waitaminute, says The New Yorker. Science still hasn’t proved that social media is evil!
And surely there’s some good in social media? Wired explains that #FreeBritney really freed Britney, showcasing the beauty of social media
NY Times
And an NYT Op writes that #CleanTok gave her solace during the pandemic
Also, The WSJ reports that TikTok’s working on changing their algorithm to address the problems
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