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In 2018, a study from Physician Lisa Littman warned of the danger of a condition -- “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” -- spreading among young people on social media. Read the study here
The Trans Trend
In 2018, a study from Physician Lisa Littman warned of the danger of a condition -- “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” -- spreading among young people on social media. Read the study here
Slate says the Littman study was met with considerable criticism from the scientific community -- and agreed: It’s just bad science!
Abigail Shrier continued the debate in a 2019 WSJ Op. She said society today enables and encourages young women -- who are otherwise happy as women -- to irreversibly transition
Shrier felt so strongly she wrote a book on it, called “Irreversible Damage”. Watch her interview with Reason Magazine here
LA Times
A trans clinical psychologist shared the concern, and spoke out in the LA Times: There’s been a recent rise in kids undergoing surgery and hormone therapy. It’s happening fast, without rigorous mental health evals
The Federalist
The Federalist is also concerned. Questioning your gender -- especially as a young woman -- is normal! Kids should be able to question their identity without being told they’re trans
This WSJ Op thinks the problem is terminology: We’ve started calling every tomboy trans! Trans used to mean something very specific -- now it’s applied to anyone who’s even a little nonconforming
Michael Hobbes
Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (aka PITT) was also in agreement, and went further: “The ”trans trend“ is a ”dangerous youth subculture’"
NY Times
But an NYT Op hard disagrees: “Transgender is not a subculture -- it’s who your kid really is.” “Rapid onset gender dysphoria” is just a political term to invalidate trans people
Psychology Today
This Psychology Today Op also wasn’t a fan of Shrier’s thesis: It’s misinfo! Being trans isn’t a trend -- it’s a scientific fact
Slate: People don’t get that a very small part of the population want to transition -- the social contagion fears are way overblown. Let them transition without friction and politics
The Conversation
And The Conversation Magazine says trans youth have always used media to build communities. The internet is causing more trans youth to come out; it’s not creating more trans youth
The Guardian
The Guardian looks to the past: Trans people have always existed. Just look at 18th century “female husbands”!
up next...
Trans kids’ care
Trans kids’ care
Gender neutral pronouns
Gender neutral pronouns
The gender binary
The gender binary
Don’t say gay
Don’t say gay
The NYT’s trans coverage
The NYT’s trans coverage
The Nashville shooter & gender
The Nashville shooter & gender
Still OK to <3 Harry Potter?
Still OK to <3 Harry Potter?
Toxic femininity
Toxic femininity
Fake drinking
Fake drinking
Friendless men
Friendless men
Trans notification laws
Trans notification laws
Ohio’s vetoed trans bill
Ohio’s vetoed trans bill
Gender-neutral names
Gender-neutral names
Lying to kids
Lying to kids
Ne-Yo recants
Ne-Yo recants
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