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Universal basic income is when the government gives people regular cash payments with few to no requirements, CNBC explains
Universal basic income is when the government gives people regular cash payments with few to no requirements, CNBC explains
The New Yorker
The Atlantic: UBI has advocates on the left and the right, but so far it’s mostly just an untested abstract idea
But many states across the country are implementing UBI test programs. Check out Marca’s 2022 list here
In any event, The WSJ is dubious about the whole thing: Basic income guarantees will kill incentives to work
Business Insider
Business Insider drills down and looks at how UBI impacted one family in Mississippi
The American Prospect
The Child Tax Credit is as close as we’ve come to UBI -- and we should make it permanent, says
University of Chicago
Chicago economists disagree: Making the child tax credit permanent could cause 1.5 million people to quit their jobs. That means it won’t make a meaningful dent in child poverty
But a Columbia University study says 3.7 million more children dropped into poverty in January, after the child tax credit expired
up next...
The child poverty drop
The child poverty drop
Nuclear power comeback?
Nuclear power comeback?
Let it rot
Let it rot
Rise of the Italian right
Rise of the Italian right
The March jobs report
The March jobs report
No landing?
No landing?
The FDIC scandals
The FDIC scandals
Full-time children
Full-time children
Is Gen Z... practical
Is Gen Z... practical
Japan’s alcohol push
Japan’s alcohol push
Tampon tax
Tampon tax
Paying interns
Paying interns
Robot v. human
Robot v. human
The Great Resignation
The Great Resignation
Credit scores
Credit scores
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